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Publikationen 2017

Hörzentrum Oldenburg

Journal Articles

  • Brand T, Wagener KC (2017) Eigenschaften, Leistungen und Grenzen von Matrixtests, HNO 65(3): 182-188
  • Gieseler A, Tahden MA, Thiel CM, Wagener KC, Meis M, Colonius H. (2017). Auditory and Non-Auditory Contributions for Unaided Speech Recognition in Noise as a Function of Hearing Aid Use. Front Psychol. 2017 Feb 21;8:219. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00219. eCollection 2017.
  • Huber, R., Krüger, M., & Meyer, B. T. (2017). Single-ended prediction of listening effort using deep neural networks. Hearing Research, 2017.
  • Krueger M, Schulte M, Zokoll MA, Wagener KC, Meis M, Brand T, Holube I (2017) Relation between listening effort and speech intelligibility in noise, Am J Audiol. 2017 Oct 12;26(3S):378-392. doi: 10.1044/2017_AJA-16-0136. PMID: 29049622.
  • Krueger, M., Schulte, M., Brand, T., & Holube, I. (2017). Development of an adaptive scaling method for subjective listening effort. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2017 Jun;141(6):4680
  • Meis, M., Krueger, M., Gebhard, M., v. Gablenz, P., Holube, I., Latzel, M., Paluch, R. (accepted). Development and application of an annotation procedure to assess the impact of hearing aid amplification on interpersonal communication behavior. Trends in Hearing, Special issue ISAAR 2017 Research papers.
  • Neher T, Wagener KC, Latzel M (2017) Speech reception with different bilateral directional processing schemes: Influence of binaural hearing, audiometric asymmetry, and acoustic scenario, Hearing Research 353: 36-48
  • Rählmann, Sebastian; Meis, Markus; Schulte, Michael; Kiessling, Juergen; Walger, Martin; Meister, Hartmut (2017). Assessment of hearing aid algorithms using a master hearing aid: the influence of hearing aid experience on the relations-hip between speech recognition and cognitive capacity. International Journal of Audiology, 2017 Apr 27:1-7. doi: 10.1080/14992027.2017.1319079. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Rählmann, Sebastian; Meis, Markus; Schulte, Michael; Kiessling, Juergen; Walger, Martin; Meister, Hartmut (2017). Assessment of hearing aid algorithms using a master hearing aid: the influence of hearing aid experience on the relations-hip between speech recognition and cognitive capacity. International Journal of Audiology, 2017 Apr 27:1-7. doi: 10.1080/14992027.2017.1319079. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Thaden, M.A.S., Gieseler, A., Meis, M., Wagener, K.C., Colonius, H. (accepted). What keeps older adults with hearing impairment from adopting hearing aids? Trends in Hearing, Special issue ISAAR 2017 Research papers.

Conference Paper

  • Paluch, R., Krüger, M., Grimm, G., Meis, M. (2017). “Moving from the field to the lab: Towards the ecological validity of TASCAR /Gesture lab to meet individual behavior patterns and preferences,” Jahrestagung der Dt. Ges. für Audiologie (DGA). p. 122, 2017.



  • Bach JH, Kollmeier B, Anemüller J,: Matching Pursuit Analysis of Auditory Receptive Fields' Spectro-Temporal Properties.Front. Syst. Neurosci., 09 February 2017.
  • Fleßner, J.-H., Huber, R., and Ewert, S.D. (2017). ‘Assessment andprediction of binaural aspects of audio quality,’ J. Audio Eng. Soc.,65, 929-942,
  • G. Grimm, J. Luberadzka, V. Hohmann: Multi-user posture and gesture classification for 'subject-in-the-loop' applications. Proc. of Linux Audio Conference, St. Etienne, France, 2017
  • Krueger, M., Schulze, M., Brand, T., & Holube, I., (in press, to be published in 2017). Development of an adaptive scaling method for subjective listening effort. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
  • T. Herzke, H. Kayser, F. Loshaj, G. Grimm, V. Hohmann: Open signal processing software platform for hearing aid research (openMHA). Proc. of Linux Audio Conference, St. Etienne, France, 2017
  • Lundbeck, M., Grimm, G., Hohmann, V., Laugesen, S., and Neher, T. (2017): Sensitivity to angular and radial source movements as a function of acoustic complexity in normal and impaired hearing, Trends in Hearing
    21, pp. 1-14.





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Freitags: 08:00–13:00 Uhr


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