Loudness optimized gain adjustment for hearing aids (LOGAN)
The aim of this project is to bring the loudness-based hearing aid fitting procedure trueLOUDNESS, developed in the Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all, to market maturity for use in audiometers from the company Acousticon. The trueLOUDNESS procedure aims to restore binaural broadband loudness perception in people with hearing loss. In addition, a free-field headphone (Acousticon A-1000) specially suited for these measurements is being further developed for broadband signals with high levels. To verify hearing aid fittings, a method for loudness verification with hearing aids is being developed, the result of which is the deviation from the normal loudness perception for the individual client. This involves the client rating different signals on a loudness scale from "very soft" to "too loud." The signals are selected to be broadband, but additionally include a possible weighting on low, mid or high frequencies.