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Publikationen 2002

Journal Articles

  • Bronkhorst AW, Brand T, Wagener K (2002) Evaluation of context effects in sentence recognition. J. Acoust. Soc. Am.111(6):2874-2886
  • Schulte M, Knief A, Seither-Preisler A, Pantev C: Different modes of pitch perception and learning-induced neuronal plasticity of the human auditory cortex. Neural Plast 2002;9:161-75
  • Lercher, P., Evans, G.W., Meis, M. & Kofler, W.W. (2002). Ambient neighbourhood noise and children’s mental health. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 59: 380-386.

Conference Paper

  • Wagener K, Brand T, Kollmeier B (2002) Sprachverständlichkeit im modulierten Störgeräusch bei Schwerhörenden. DGA 5. Jahrestagung Zürich 2002, TagungsCD, ISBN = 3-9809869-1-8
  • Schulte M, Knief A, Ross B, Makeig S, Pantev C: Virtual pitch of nonsimultaneous successive harmonics: 13th Int. Conf. on Biomagnetism; VDE Verlag, Berlin, 2002.
  • Knief A, Schulte M, Lamprecht-Dinnesen A, Pantev C: Object Representation of Sequential and Simultaneous Binaural Sounds: 13th Int. Conf. on Biomagnetism; VDE Verlag, Berlin, 2002.

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