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Publikationen 2012

Hörzentrum Oldenburg

Journal Articles

  • Jansen S, Luts H, Wagener KC, Kollmeier B, Del Rio M, Dauman R, James C, Fraysse B, Vormès E, Frachet B, Wouters J, van Wieringen A (2012) Comparison of three types of French speech-in-noise tests: a multi-center study, Int J Audiol 51(3):164-73
  • Klink KB, Schulte M, Meis M, Measuring listening effort in the field of audiology – a literature review of methods, part 2. Zeitschrift für Audiologie /Audiological Acoustics, 2012, 51 (3), p96 – 105
  • Klink KB, Schulte M, Meis M, Measuring listening effort in the field of audiology – a literature review of methods, part 1. Zeitschrift für Audiologie /Audiological Acoustics, 2012, 51 (2), p60 – 67
  • Meister H, Grugel L, Meis M, Kiessling J (2012) Use of self-assessment inventories in hearing-aid provision: German versions of ECHO and SADL, Int J Audiol 51(2):135-42
  • Zokoll MA, Wagener KC, Brand T, Buschermöhle M, Kollmeier B (2012) Internationally comparable screening tests for listening in noise in several European languages: the German digit triplet test as an optimization prototype, Int J Audiol 51(9): 697-707
  • Haumann S, Hohmann V, Meis M, Herzke T, Lenarz T, Büchner A. Indication criteria for cochlear implants and hearing aids: impact of audiological and non-audiological findings. Audiology Research. 2012;2(1):55-64,e12.

Conference Paper

  • Sukowski H, Thiele C, Wagener KC, Lesinski-Schiedat A, Kollmeier B (2012) Untersuchung des Hörvermögens bei einer angezeigten beruflichen Lärmschwerhörigkeit: Der Einsatz von Fragebögen als Ergänzung zu ton- und sprachaudiometrischen Messungen, Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2012:491-492
  • Zokoll MA, Hochmuth S, Fidan D, Wagener KC, Ergenc I, Kollmeier B (2012) Speech intelligibility tests for the Turkish language, 15. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie, CD-Rom, 5 pages, Erlangen


  • Mourtou, E. & Meis, M. (2012) Introduction to audiology: Some basics about hearing loss, hearing technologies and barriers to hearing aid use. In Egbert, M. & Deppermann, A. (Eds) Hearing Aids Communication, Verlag für Gesprächsforschung, pp. 9-21.



  • Kollmeier B, Brand T, Huber R, Hohmann V (2012) Modeling Hearing Impairment and its Effect on Auditory Quality by Auralization, Proceedings of the 47th AES Conference, Chicago, USA.
  • Zokoll MA, Wagener KC, Brand T, Buschermöhle M, Kollmeier B (2012) Internationally comparable screening tests for listening in noise in several European languages: The German digit triplet test as an optimization prototype. Int. J. Audiol. 51(9):697-707

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