Rooms for measurements with headphones and hearing aid dummies
Four acoustically shielded listening booths (one of them electromagnetically shielded) are available for performing experiments with headphones or hearing aid dummies. As standard, each room is equipped with a touch screen, Sennheiser HDA200 audiometry headphones and Sennheiser HD600 open-back hi-fi headphones. The PC for test control is located outside the booth, the test supervisor can choose to sit inside or in front of the cabin.
Standardized measurements are performed here using the Oldenburg Measurement Applications OMA. This includes in particular language test measurements such as the Oldenburg Sentence Test, Oldenburg Child Sentence Test, Oldenburg Child Rhyming Test, Göttingen Sentence Test, Einsilber Reimtest nach Wallenberg und Kollmeier, Freiburger Test but also all other modules of the OMA like Adaptive Categorical Loudness Scaling (KLS) and Assessment of Listening Effort.
Master Hearing Aid is also successfully used in these cabins for sound-only ("offline") reproduction via hearing aid dummies.