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Rooms for measurements with loudspeakers

Particularly noteworthy are the three largest rooms in the House of Hearing, where mainly measurements with loudspeakers are performed under free-field-like conditions. These include speech test measurements under realistic and everyday acoustic conditions...

  • in complex noise environments by multi loudspeaker setups
  • in dynamic situations by moving noise and / or speech signals (e.g., by means of TASCAR scenes (link?))
  • in dynamic situations by interleaved speech tests from different directions
  • in dynamic situations with signals from competing directions considering the attention of the listener
  • via telephone / cell phone in noisy environments
  • in dual-task situations with speech intelligibility as a secondary task

These or similar scenes can also be used for various scaling methods, e.g.

  • evaluation of sound samples by means of questionnaires or computer-based recording methods
  • Scaling of auditory effort (ACALES)
  • Scaling of loudness perception (ACALOS)
  • Pair comparisons and other multiple comparisons such as Mushra techniques.

The rooms are further used for

  • experiments for detection and localization of sounds and signals
  • recordings with artificial head (KEMAR, B&K, Head Acoustics)
  • free-field audiometry, e.g., to determine the inflation curve in CI users
  • the recording of head movements during the presentation of moving or dynamic sound signals ("head tracking")
  • the derivation of EEG data during the presentation of sound or speech signals
  • the virtual hearing

Praxisnah und offen

Das Haus des Hörens ist ein Ort des Austausches und der Kooperation. Deshalb ist es den Institutionen im Haus des Hörens sehr wichtig, der Öffentlichkeit ihre Forschungsthemen zugänglich zu machen.
Mit Führungen, Vorträgen und Konzerten im Kommunikationsakustik-Simulator und Hörgarten wird der interessierten Öffentlichkeit ein anschaulicher und erlebnisorientierter Einblick in die komplexe Welt des Hörens geboten.

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